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Action Alert: Assembly Members Bonta and Wicks introduce Bay Bridge Fast Forward Program

BIG NEWS! Assemblymembers Rob Bonta and Buffy Wicks and Senator Scott Wiener have introduced the Bay Bridge Fast Forward Program. PLEASE SIGN HERE TO ASK THE ASSEMBLY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE CHAIR TO SUPPORT THE BILL.

The bill establishes minimum bus speed and reliability targets for the Bay Bridge and its approaches and authorizes a bus and very-high-occupancy-vehicle lane on the Bay Bridge Corridor if those speed targets are not met.

The bill will address climate justice, transit equity, and speed the economic recovery by prioritizing fast and reliable bus travel across the Bay Bridge corridor so we move more people faster across the Bay!

Organizations supporting the bill include: The Transbay Coalition, SPUR, East Bay For Everyone, East Bay Transit Riders Union, San Francisco Transit Riders, Urban Environmentalists, Seamless Bay Area, the Greenbelt Alliance, People Protected and 350 Bay Area Action

The bill will:

  • Make the bus a more reliable & faster option for tens of thousands of Bay Area commuters who currently drive
  • Make our transportation system more just as it will prioritize 40 people on a bus over one person in a car
  • Lower operational costs for transit agencies at a time when it is most needed by enabling the same number of buses to move far more people in less time
  • Make it easier for transit agencies to open new transbay routes serving underserved communities
  • Significantly reduce carbon emissions for California’s most polluting sector- transportation- making it easier for the state to meet its climate goals
  • Reduce local asthma-inducing pollutants from vehicle exhaust that make the air in the East Bay unhealthy
  • Free up tens of thousands of parking spaces in San Francisco as more drivers switch to the bus for their commute
  • Reduce commute times for tens of thousands of Californians and spur economic growth by reducing labor productivity losses


We must work boldly to implement fast and reliable bus travel across the Bay Bridge corridor that focuses on moving the most people possible so our region can better serve our essential workers, and meet our mobility and climate goals. Thank you for your support!

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