Tonight at a meeting starting at 7pm, Redwood City City Council will be giving direction on grade separation options (Agenda 9B)
The Council will be deciding among three alternatives.
Alternatives 1A and 1B separate the Caltrain tracks from roads across the entire city. Both options elevate the tracks. Option 1A closes Maple to cars and builds a bike/ped underpass. Option 1B also closes Chestnut to cars and builds a bike/ped underpass. Option 2 only separates the North part of the city (Whipple, Brewster, Broadway).The staff recommends Option 1A.
Option 1A has the highest price tag, estimated at $800 to $950 Million.
All of the options support the project to create a 4-track passing station, which will enable more frequent and regular service on the entire Caltrain corridor.